
The word Dinosaurs was defined to mean “ fearfully-great lizard” by Richard Owen in 1842. It comes from the Greek word deinos “fearfully-great” and sauros “lizard.”


How to pronounce the name correctly:

It comes from the Greek word ichthys “fish” and sauros “lizard.”It looks like a cross between a crocodile face with a dolphin body.Cool Fact: Ichthyosaurs are related to our whales and dolphins.


How to pronounce the name correctly:

It comes from the Greek word bracchi “arm” and sauros “lizard.”
Cool Fact: Brachiosaurus can be as tall as a Five-Story Building.What a giant!


How to pronounce the name correctly:

It comes from the Greek word tri “three”, cera “horn” and ops “face.”
They actually have only two horns and not three. The assumed horn on the tip of their nose is soft.
Cool Fact: Triceratops have a parrot like beak.


How to pronounce the name correctly:

It comes from the Greek word tyrant “king” and sauros “lizard.”
They have extremly short front legs, compared to their back legs.Cool Fact: Tyranosaurus are related to chicken and ostrich.